In September 2018, FoNT introduced this Rail Trail bas-relief sculpture, designed by Wire by Ryan owner Ryan Kelley and donated by FoNT to the City. The sculpture is designed to give people and institutions a means to memorialize, honor or dedicate an inscribed stainless steel leaf to persons or organizations.
A second sculpture was added in June, 2022.
To learn more about dedicating a LEAF visit here:
​Any donation, of any amount, is important for the health and maintenance of our urban forestry.
Some numbers:
$20 purchases a Tree Guide
$25 purchases a GatorBag
$150 keeps one tree watered for a season
$575 buys and waters a 2” x 2 1/2” caliper tree
Green-Your-Street contribute with your neighbors
A $575 donation purchases and waters a 2” - 21/2” caliper tree.
The City will plant the tree during a regularly scheduled fall or spring planting. You may wish to be involved in the site and species decision.